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Writer's pictureDavid Reuben


Updated: Jan 26, 2022

As I sit down to write this blog on Friday September 11, 2020, I think back to Tuesday September 11, 2001. Yes, I remember what day of the week it was, and everything about the day! I woke up about 7am and was eating breakfast when I heard the first news report. Immediately, I called my cousins who live just outside of New York City and work in Manhattan.

These are all stock photos and not taken by Ya Hump Photography

I was in a daze as I left for work. The city of Toronto was eerily quiet, and people were walking around like zombies. Strangers were asking each other how this could happen in the USA? Was Toronto next? Was the CN Tower the next target?

It was a strange day at work with the TV on and no one really doing any work just staring at the television and shaking their heads in disbelief. Not one person in my office wanted to go home early as we felt safer and needed the comrondarie. Many people were crying and calling loved ones.

These are all stock photos and not taken by Ya Hump Photography

Going home after work was very strange. Stores were closed, bars & restaurants were empty in downtown Toronto. Police were everywhere in case of rioting or other trouble. The city had a jumpy nervous energy on public transit. Everyone was waiting for the next shoe to drop.

These are all stock photos and not taken by Ya Hump Photography

The rest of the evening was spent walking around my area of Toronto as I did not want to be alone at home. Back at home I called my cousins and friends in the New York area. I was told that a family friend ran into the World Trade Center to help get people out. Another family friend an NYPD officer had been at the World Trade Center.

These are all stock photos and not taken by Ya Hump Photography

9/11 was a life changing event for my family and myself. It hit me even harder then usual this year with the pandemic happening in the world. Please "Be Smart Be Safe"! People are tough and resilient, events like 9/11 prove that even though things can change on a dime the human race always finds a way to come out better on the other side.

These are all stock photos and not taken by Ya Hump Photography

Enjoy the nice weather and make some new memories! #FallMemories #TorontoPhotography

"Be Smart Be Safe" #Coronavirus

Please check out yahumpphotography

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