The Covid-19 pandemic continues and everyone is asked to self isolate and respect social distancing. I have gone out early in the morning or late at night to take photos and respect social distancing.
The photo below is of a rollerblader doing any early morning workout at a local Toronto Track .
Now that the photo is taken as a digital photographer we can play around with the image and their are many free photo softwares to use. Playing with the photo is fun and gets my creative juices flowing.

Early Morning workout Toronto ON
Here is the same photo after using a simple photo manipulation program.
Colour Manipulation Black & White
Another project that can be done is to repair a damage old photos using a basic photo software.
Damaged Fixed
A third fun little project is to replace the background on a photo. Again done with a simple software.
Before After
Enjoy your photography journey and stay safe! #FunWithPhotos
Please check out yahumpphotography